songs & releases

listen to them, save them to ALL your playlists, stream them on loop overnight, share with all your friends, family, enemies, fans, discord servers, vrchat instances, youtube community posts, freeboot them on tiktok with a recording from your nokia phone, etcetera!!! please don't actually freeboot anything i make


Deleted Files, Vol. 1

two chill electronic tracks from my abandoned game projects



two more songs and a compilation of all my legacy tracks, remastered and officially released.


waiting for answers..

its a lofi song but with 80s synths, apparently it sounds "liminesque", according to the cover artist for this song.



a weird mix of breakcore and webcore


got a question? try this page first.
click to jump to: music, art stuff, generic

musical questions

q) why is this site branded under "autumn" but you release your music under justAnotherParadox?
a)i release my music under that alias as spotify rejected my original artist name, its just autumn, as it was "too generic". my record label of "paradoxical autumn" is just the best of both worlds and a slight nod to this 'old' branding.

q) can i make a cover song/remix of yours?
a) id always get my permission first (try to contact me first). im usually chill with most remixes but if you make a cover that i don't think is 'transformative' (some examples: slowed and reverbed, phonk mix, etc.) then i'll probably reject your request.

q) how do you make your music?
a) i use fl studio and just random samples / VSTs i find online. i actually can't play any instruments but i might get some friends to play instruments over my tracks. (please do not offer to play over my tracks.)

q) why are some of your tracks on soundcloud/yt but no streaming services?
a) usually this just means i didn't want to officially release the track, such as if i deleted it and never properly finished it or if i dont count it as an official track. in some rare cases, ive not gotten around to releasing to services or they just take a long time to process my track.

other artsy stuff

q) do you make art? if so where can i see some of it?
a) usually here under my gallery but i might post it to other social medias.


q) do you do commissions?
a) currently, nope as i dont have the resources to set up a commission page and dont really know how. i might do eventually
q pt.2) what can i commission?
a pt.2) when i open, [basic] artwork (im not the best), musical tracks, 3D avatar textures, basic software.
idk, ill update this page over time

q) i hate how you dont use proper capitalisation or punctuation
a) cope harder and that's not a question.


i hope ya like reading, SUCKA!!

musical backstory overview (copied from my spotify page)

hi, im autumn. i'm a Bristol (UK) based artist and im here to give you random stuff to listen to in the background of whatever you're doing. in case you couldn't tell from my one-liner, i don't make any specific genre or style of music but whatever i felt like making that day, however, you can expect mainly electronic stuff. prior to my first official release, Virtualisation, i had been practising for about 3 years before being confident enough to actually do something with my tracks.

me, as a person

im a 17-something programmer turned artist. ive been fascinated by the digital world and music since a young age thanks to my parents who would listen to songs non-stop. that's probably where i got some of my 80s influence from: my dad who would play heavy drum and bass anthems and my mother who'd play the most corny 80s songs imaginable.
speaking of my dad, he's actually responsible for my interest in song making; one of my earliest memories is messing around in the FL studio demo on an old family computer when I was about 6 or something. he just installed it one day and said "check this out!" and i used that thing for HOURS at a time.
in my personal life: im quite a creative person who spends most of my time doing artistic things, whether it be drawing, texturing, 3D modelling or other creative stuff.

"hey wait arent you a furyr is that important"

yeah. its not important though. i dont commonly associate with the fandom, i just represent myself online as my character. i found the fandom in 2019 'cause some of my (now also furry) friends were hating on furries and i, in my innocence, had never heard of what a furry was so i did what any sane person would do and ask my friends what they were talking about. i then heard a hate-filled ramble and thought "that can't be right, ill do my own research" and that night i went onto the internet and looked into the fandom and ohnowhathaveidone. the next day i had a protogen OC called T19, but you wont find them drawn any more as i kinda abandoned that character in 2022 when i made my second OC, called Autumn (later renamed due to weirdness ill get into) who was my first "official" fursona. mf did i really just type that, okay. About at the start of 2023, I made my second one who is now my primary one, Paradox (does the name sound familiar?).oh also finally id just like to state (because i know SOMEONE will say this): i may be a furry but im not one of the "weird" ones. i dont do anything /bad/, i just simply exist and have some characters.

to fin: that typo in the subtitle is on purpose

VRChat, My Avatar and Who made it.

right, in case you can't somehow tell from my gallery and artist pages on literally anything, i take a lotta my artist pictures in VRChat, why? i like VR and dont really want the "real" me branded anywhere since i hate myself and how i look and ive just not seen the appeal of publicly branding myself.about my avatar that i use on literally everything: the model is by Erich Westhoven and is the base called a Fenchi. I did all the texturing myself, and before you ask, I do not do texture commissions.

Addendum - Resonite

Since writing this, I've moved most of my time and projects from VRChat over to Resonite. It's a cool game/game engine hybrid. I'd recommend it lol.


right, i feel like i should address this somewhere so we're doing it here. im trans. that's it. if you aint chill with that or the simple existence of any queer folk, get off my website and don't associate with me or anything i make.oh also i can finally say why i had to rename my second OC now, so when i made them i knew i was trans in some way, but not what i was exactly. i called them autumn as "it was just cool" and oops when i worked out what i was i realised why i chose that name, as i wanted it irl.

other projects

ive made or worked on this stuff. check it out if you want.


quoter is a discord bot that makes images out of the stupid stuff people say. inspired by make it a quote on twitter (i will not update this text to say x).

Meta Link Fixer

do you hate it how when using an Oculus Meta Quest 1/2/3 with a link cable and you lag, there's a chance for an annoying white bar to appear? This fixes that

untitled horror game

untitled Horror Game (name pending) is a horror game created on Roblox that sees you take the role of an investigator inspecting a long abandoned facility. at least, you think it's abandoned.released by 42cores, directed by me.(no links available - this game is still in development)

contact me

wanna talk to me? that's exciting! you can use this form or my social medias

Finding me

You can find me in plenty of places but here are the main ones:

Contact me

contact me

wanna talk to me? that's exciting! you can use this form or my social medias

thanks for your message! ill get back to you as soon as possible.